Asking For Help When Needed

So far, this was the toughest post for me to record. If you prefer not to watch the above video there are 2 other choice for you. One option is to listen to my Asking for Help When Needed audio file. Or of course you can just keep on reading =)

Hello. For anybody that is watching this, that doesn't know - my name is Lucy and I am the host of Lucy's Life of Heaven and Hell on Earth.

Today I just want to talk about being willing to accept help whenever you need it and to also ask for help when it would be beneficial to you. I used to be a caretaker from September last year through March, well May of this year.

McSkunker! I have this little boy right here, his name is McSkunker. Sorry for the change of topic. He was chewing on my potholder that is on the sofa. Better get this stuff out of the way so he doesn't chew more on it.

Anyway, I've always been a very strong and independent woman, trying to not ask for help, even when I really could use it because I was with too many people that held any of my weaknesses against me. 

So, I just want to tell you all that it is ok to ask for help when you need it. If you have people in your life that hold it against you, whenever you need help then it's time to get rid of them. Or, well maybe first have a talk with them and if nothing changes then get them out of your life. And um yea, just accept help.

Like today, I got help from somebody that I never met before. It was somebody that I helped before - her niece, it was somebody that she knew. So I took the help because I am at the point where I can't do all that much for myself and my apartment was becoming way dirtier than I wanted it to be. 

So, yea I took the help even though it was really difficult for me. It was so difficult for me to be sitting here and sitting here watching somebody else clean my apartment and me not help. The problem is that sometimes I was able to do stuff on my own. However I usually suffered for it the next day or 2, where I would be down and out, hardly able to do anything.

So, I've learned to accept my limitations and not only have I accepted help when it's been offered, I conceeded and I begun asking for help when it was beneficial for me to get help. What's ended up happening, is that I've actually had some people thank me for asking them to help me. So, just keep that in mind - that it can make you feel poopy for having to ask for help. However, giving somebody the chance to help you can make them feel really good.

So, take care!


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