Made So Happy Saturday

This is going to be a short post. Saying that I wanted to share what made my week yesterday (Saturday). I got this card in the mail. Which these days, just getting a real card is nice in itself.

The really nice part is the following. It was from my first client that I had while I was able to be a caretaker. I still keep in touch with her niece. So that's how she knows about my medical state and also how she got my address. It truly warmed my heart that she took the time to reach out to me. It warmed my heart even more that she still cares about me enough that she wrote a message in the card. 

It didn't happen often. However there were the random times that I doubted myself, wondering if I was really as awesome of a caretaker as I thought I was. This gave me much needed confirmation that I was. Hopefully my body will be able to improve and I will be able to return to my passion sooner than later.


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