Trying Out Something New

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Hello everybody. My name is Lucy and I'm the host of Lucy's Life of Heaven and Hell on Earth. This little guy that you see here is Norbert. He's my buddy boy. I used to work at a rat and mouse farm and the one day when we were doing the order, this cute little guy, he held onto my fingers and just hung there. I'm like OK! 

I used to have pet rats when I lived with an abusive ex before and when I left him though I left my kids. When Norbert held onto my hand, I put him down my shirt, like I did all my kids. Norbert actually stayed. None of the other rats at the farm did that before.
I also have another boy, which I'm not sure where he - op there he is. This is McSkunker. I got him because when you have rats, you should never have 1 rat. You should always have at least 2. Unless you want a lot of baby rats, it's not a good idea to have a boy and a girl. So, I got 2 boys. When I picked out McSkunker, the test to see if him and Norbert would get along was that I put McSkunker down my shirt with the Norbert because when I worked at the farm I kept Norbert in my shirt almost all day, every day and as you see, he likes to go down my shirt.

So, when I left the farm I 'had to' take him with me because I didn't have the heart to leave him there because I truly believe that if I had, he would have wondered what he did wrong because he was so used to being with me.

Anyway, off of that topic. I created this blog in hopes of helping other people to have a better quality of life, to be able to have a better life worth living. I know a lot of people just survive their lives, they don't really live their lives. So, I'm going to share various experiences of my life in hopes of helping people to live their lives and not just survive them.

A little back story. I already said that my last my relationship was abusive. And pretty much almost all of my relationships for the past 2 decades - and I'm 34 - have been abusive.

So, many people don't really know what hell on earth is like. Sadly, I've known what it is for over 20 years. And, then finally, even though my body has been crazy - see I have really short hair because on March 28th this year, 2018, I had brain surgery. I don't think you can see the scar at all anymore, but it's right in here. And, uh, it was an 8 and a half hour surgery. I seized when they tried to take the breathing tube out. So they had to leave me sedated for a little bit longer.

I've been on Gabapentin all this year because of my atypical migraines. Then, 6 weeks post-op the Gabapentin began destroying me. So, I had to stop working. I was a caretaker, which I loved it with all my heart because it was my passion. Cause, I knew since I was 14, or younger possibly, that I'm on this planet to help other people and that I didn't know how at the time, I truly believed that it was to save other people from being in pain by me taking on their pain myself. 

So, yea, care taking was my passion and I had to give that up because I couldn't take care of myself. I have so many assistive devices in my house because of it and I was the one that ended up figuring it out that it was the Gabapentin that was killing me. My doctors didn't. My doctors, their answer was to blame my eventful mental health history and not look at my current mental state - the one that I've had for over a year because of DBT and practicing those skills I learned from that. And so, they decided they would just load me up more on what was killing me. So, yea, that was kind of frustrating. That will probably be another story for another day though.

So, hope you all enjoy my blog and hopefully you don't mind rats. If you do, I suggest not watching my videos because well, it will be hit or miss if my boys are in them as well. So, hope you all have a great day, week, year and life. Bye, Bye.


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