Attempting to Return

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I'm finally making an attempt to come back to my blog. I'm sorry for vanishing on anybody that had been paying attention to my post. Things got really rough.

It turned out that my now ex had not wanted to be with me for the last year of our relationship and he had been cheating on me for I'm not quite sure how long. Him leaving me though - once I refused to leave him because I refused to fall for his tricks - ended up being one of the best things for me though because now I don't have to deal with a narcissist.

And still though, life got rough - physically again. I thought I was finally healing. I thought it was my one medication that was causing my issues. I had a good 2 weeks where I could walk unassisted and then it went downhill again. New symptoms randomly appear and old ones go away for a little bit and then reappear.

So needless to say, I've just been exhausted and I also forgot how to live my life, instead of just surviving it. So, while I couldn't find a way to live my life, I didn't want to most because I don't want to be a hypocrite and I don't want to lie to anybody that happens to be reading this.

If you had seen prior videos, you see I got my hair shortened again. One of my many, many, many, many physical ailments is that I seem to be having some form of hardware issues, where randomly my head will be bumpier. If you've never followed or seen my videos before, the reason why I have hardware is because I had a brain tumor removed on March 28th. So yea, I have a good bit of hardware up there in my head.

So now I'm finally starting to be able to live my life again and so I figured it was time for me to come back to you all. So I hope you are all doing well, or at least decent.


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