All I Ever Wanted - Poem

While I'm sharing this poem, it's no longer what I want. I mean it would be nice. However, after being abused over and over again and falling for narcissists that manipulated me, I've given up on relationships. At this point in my life with all of my physical ailments it is no longer worth it to risk going through such devastation again if I misjudge a guy again.

All I Ever Wanted - written 8/19/99

All I ever wanted,
was to have a guy truly love me.
Instead, they pretended to care about me,
just so they could get some sex.

Why does this have to happen to me?
I never really did anything to deserve this...
all the pain. 
 But I get it anyway.

All I need is to e loved.
I could love a guy so easily.
Why can't they love me?

I know I'm not ugly.
So what's wrong with me?
Why can't i just have this one thing?
Just to have one guy fall in love with me.
 That's all I want. 
If you would like to read more of my poems check out the other poems I've posted here or my Kindle book titled "Struggles of a Teen Girl Told Through Poems"* which I am selling for $3.00.

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