All Over - Poem

All Over - written 9/11/01

It's happening all over again.
Year after year,
    another massive killing.
One year,
     Oklahoma City.
Another year,
      the Columbine shooting.
This year,
      the planes. 

Thousands are dead.
We were attacked.
Was it from another country,
    or one of our own?

All over again.
So many people killed
So many people hurt.

Many years ago,
    Pearl harbor was attacked
    and that day was not forgotten.
All over again,
    this day will be remembered,
    because of all of the horrors.

If you would like to read more of my poems check out the other poems I've posted here or my Kindle book titled "Struggles of a Teen Girl Told Through Poems"* which I am selling for $3.00.

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