This Means War Movie Review

This Means War is back from 2012 so I am guessing that not many people will be interested in my review. Still, figured I would give it a whirl and write (another) review on it since I originally was given it to review when had couponing blogs. When I saw the disc and what was on it I fondly remembered the times of getting stuff to review for free - well for just the cost of my time. Saying that, that review was already done. So this review is just because I want to do it.

Since my brain surgery 3/28/18 to remove a tumor my brain doesn't work as well. So I'm not making any promises on how well I'll do with writing this review.

This Means War is a romantic comedy. So I find it a good movie no matter what my mood is. I find when I'm really depressed I can't do comedy movies. However this one isn't too comical. I feel it's just the right amount to entertain me, without making me feel guilty for not finding it funnier... if that makes any sense.

Also, while it is romantic, it's not overly so - in my opinion at least. Which means if one is going through a recent breakup there is a good chance that it will NOT trigger a crying episode.

Now to say more about the movie itself. I don't want to write any spoilers, so it's going to be pretty brief. In 2 This Means War guys end up being interested in the same woman. Not is it just 2 random guys, they are best friends. The title pretty much clues you in on what this means when the best friends fall for the same woman. The best friends are CIA agents, so some of the tactics used are very entertaining - again in my opinion.

I personally feel that no matter what kind of mood you are in, whether it be positive or negative this would be a very good movie to watch. If you have any input on this movie feel free to leave a comment. Just please don't post any spoilers.

This Means War can be purchased for $5.28 for DVD format. Also available is Blu-ray, multi format at prime video rental or purchase - all at varying prices. This Means War Canada.

Want more ideas on what to watch? Check out the other movies I've recommended.

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