New(ish) Member to my Household

After losing Norbert on January 31st I ended up taking McSkunker to Meloddirats Rescue because it's cruel to only have one rat and nobody could replace my Norbert. Until May 26th I remained without furkids.

I was doing ok being pretty much on my own, with the random visit to a friend for a while. Then when the weather started to get warmer my depression started to come back. Due to one of my many ailments I become paralyzed in much of my body if I'm too warm for like an hour so I have now have to be really careful going out and where I go, making sure the temperature will be suitable for my body.

After some self-analyzing I decided it was time to get another pet. While I would love to have rats again I know myself and know I would compare them to McSkunker and Norbert which wouldn't be fair to them. Also taking care of their home (cage) was rather taxing on me, requiring me to have my neighbor take care of it at times. I knew I couldn't get a dog either because of my health.

So I started looking for a cat. Within about 2 weeks I found Jasmine. After "chatting" with her former pet parents I drove the 80 minutes to visit her and see if would think it would be a fit. Although she's super shy I just had a feeling that we would connect. So I went home with her. Within the first week she was already exposing her belly to me, letting me pet it for 10+ minutes at a time.

She's still skittish about some things, she's coming around though. Lately she's even been waiting for me when I wake up in the morning or from naps so I can pet her for 10+ minutes. While she allows me to get my coffee ready first, I know she doesn't like waiting. Having her has made a huge difference. While she does hide out for a good bit of the day, I feel so much less lonely having her - especially because of the times that she shows that she wants me. It really is an amazing thing when an animal wants to spend time with you, especially a cat because we all know how cats can be lol. She's definitely not shy about telling me when she wants something.


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