Quality of Friends, Over Quantity of Friends - a Ramble

Got curious how many friends I have on here that have been here for me the whole time since my FedEx days and still interact with sometimes. 

The number is 25-30 people (not counting family), most of which I’ve never met, that have been better friends to me than as good as the best/longest of real life friends, or better than that. I didn’t hide my mental instability/unhappiness very often and not when I briefly killed myself. Yet those 25-30 never showed judgement towards me for my mental healthy or physical ailments. Those people have supported me. You are my true friends and family.

This is why I don’t care about the number of friends I have on FB. I truly want quality over quantity of so call friends.

If anybody found this ramble to be insightful for helpful or any other positive word, I would LOVE to hear it. If you have something negative to say, Please don’t share that, as publicly sharing these thoughts isn’t mentally easy for me as it is. I share this way just on the off chance it’s what somebody needs to read. I’m grateful when that’s happened to me as a reader.


  1. Second try since the first one disappeared! I’ve known you a long time now! Since Facebook was full of silly games that you played right on fb - scratch games and pull tabs that we’d send each other. I’m glad to have you in my circle. And I love the Christmas cards you sent!!

    1. Finally figured out how reply here! Glad you remembered, I thought you had been a blogger and that’s how we connected. Eh, I’ll blame the misremembering on the tumors lol. Thanks for comme ting!


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