How my mind works - info and a ramble

The following is an accumulation of thoughts that started as a change I wanted to make to a recipe. It started with me writing on paper. I was listening to a hockey game on my tablet and got a thought about tweak I wanted to make to a recipe.

I have no idea the order all this happened in. Just know I started by writing on paper, sent a text of a screenshot, posted to my profile, did a c&p of text from that to a fb group and added thoughts to it, wrote what I wanted to say in blog post (in picture), texted it and posted it to my blog fb page. Then I said it was too good not to do a blog post with a picture of a written on page. This is how my brain works. I have ADHD, among other issues. I honor it and don’t try to change it.

So here ya finally go! The blog’s fb post with a picture when a caption in regards to something I wrote.


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