My way of getting more done with less pain

Sometimes I just don’t have the spoons (spoon theory) to complete a task in one shot. Who am I kidding I almost never have the spoons for that and if I have enough of them I’m often lacking in attention span or desire to do something. 

Background: I have confirmed ADHD, brain cancer, bad fibromyalgia and all signs point to being a high functioning autistic person. So yea, it can really make getting things done difficult.

So, I’ve recently noticed that when I just don’t want to do something I’ll say out loud “Not today satan” and walk away from that area and go do something else more palatable to me.

Anyway, I have a way that works perfectly to cause me less physical pain and get more done in a “dream sitting.” I frequently go at something with the intention to only do small portions of a task at that moment. In order to not cause too much pain and so it’s less daunting of a task.

Then a bird will fly to another spot and remind me of another thing I want/need to work on so I’ll do some of that. And so and so forth until I’ve had enough had enough of THAT SH!T, thank you very much!

In this process I’ve done more than than intended to. How do I feel then? Proud of myself for getting more, for me, done and happy that what it takes to finish each task is now less.

There will be times where I don’t lose interest and the pain isn’t too bad yet so I’ll keep going and sometimes even finish the task I didn’t set out to finish. Which you know what happens then? I feel proud celebrate the victory of what I was able to accomplish at that time.

How do I feel when I only do the small amount of one task that I set out to do? I still feel proud because I DID SOMETHING!!!! 

If I go out with intention of getting a task done start to finish I frequently can’t finish or it’s not in my best interest to finish. 

How do I feel when that happens? Disappointed because didn’t do as much as I wanted to. You know what else happens? I become overwhelmed at how much needs to be accomplished because not only did I do less than I wanted, I set myself back physically and don’t do any of the other stuff that that friendly bird was trying to remind me of. 

What else happens? I become overwhelmed by all the stuff that then needs done and if I don’t fight it by doing little bits, it gets worse & worse.


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