
Showing posts from September, 2018

*Trigger Warning* My Sexual Abuse Story

If you prefer not to watch the above video, there are 2 other options for you. You can listen to My Abuse Story audio file or you can continue reading. Hi, I'm starting out this video by saying that it may be a trigger for some of you as I will be discussing my personal experiences with sexual abuse.

Attempting to Return

If you prefer not to watch the above video, there are 2 other options for you. You can listen to my Attempting to Return audio file or you can continue reading.

Attempt to Provide Some Comfort

I'm sorry for being away from my blog for so long. There are many reasons for me having gone into hiding, which I will likely explain in another post. For the time being though, here is a video that I made for a friend that has been struggling. It may not do anything for anybody. On the off chance that it will provide a moment of comfort or happiness or contentment for even a single person, I've decided to share it. Please ignore the bedside toilet - sadly I need to have it.