My Furbaby Loves Me!

Yesterday I posted about the new(ish) member to my household - Jasmine. It's been 1 day shy of 3 weeks since I brought her home. She's shown me in various ways that she cares about me. Well last night I became positive that she loves me.

When I go to bed I generally tell her that I love her, good night and I hope she will come back to bed with me. I usually end up staying up for an hour or so messing around on my phone before I actually go to sleep. So when I'm finally ready to go to sleep I tell her again that I love her and good night.

Well this time when I said it she came running in. I was already facing away from the door so when she started meowing for attention I told her I wasn't rolling over because she would probably get scared from the noise (because she normally does). We "discussed" this for a little bit. It ended in her meowing in a way that sounded like "NO!" So I rolled over so I could pet her and sure enough she didn't get spooked.

After petting her for a bit she walked to the other side of my bed. Then she surprised me... she jumped up on my bed. I had seen her there once during the day. However this was the first time that she came to bed with me. I had to adjust myself a little - although didn't do as much as needed to actually get comfortable since didn't want to spook her.

To my amazement she stayed with me for about 4 hours! Then this afternoon I took another nap (3-4 hours) and she came to bed with me again and stayed the entire time! Plus once I got my coffee together she was relentless about getting the petting that she's been wanting when I wake up in morning or from naps.

It made me so happy and I felt so loved that she did this. While I of course wanted it to happen sooner, I was expecting it to take much longer because of how shy of a cat she is. I'm so glad I listened to myself and got a cat and that it happened to be Jasmine.


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