
Showing posts from March, 2022

Easy Pressure Cooker Gluten Free Loaded Potato Soup

TThis post contains affiliate links. This loaded potato soup recipe is easy to make in any pressure cooker. I make it in my 8 quart Ninja Foodi .  To make it even easier I used my electric potato peeler, obviously for the potatoes. I also used my Hamilton Beach food processor to shred the cheese because I prefer freshly shredded cheese over pre-shredded.  If you don’t have a gluten intolerance you can use regular chicken broth instead of bone broth. When mashing the potatoes be sure to use a coated one like this nylon potato masher . Also, if  you don’t feel like dealing with the bacon you can use 1 tsp pre-cooked bacon pieces per serving. It’s decent, just not as good. Please let me know what you think of this gluten free loaded potato soup if/when you give it a try. Ingredients: 5 lb Russet potatoes, peeled and chopped 1 c frozen chopped onions (or 1 onion) 2 tsp jarred garlic (or 4 garlic gloves) 4ish slices of cooked bacon, chopped 6 c chicken bone broth 2 c milk (I use fat free l

Air Fryer Gluten Free Chicken Parmesan Recipe

Note: some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means I potentially make a small commission from them.  I know the picture isn’t super attractive like most other people’s. Still this gluten free chicken parmesan is super yummy and fairly easy to make. You can use any decent sized air fryer. I use my 8 quart Ninja Foodi . If you don’t have a gluten intolerance you can use regular flour and seasoned breadcrumbs instead. Just omit the dill weed & parsley. You don’t have to cut the chicken breasts in half. I just do because it helps control my portion sizes. Check out my post about why I track my food and use portions .  Tip: use one hand to dunk the chicken in the stuff and use the other hand to press the breadcrumbs into the chicken. I learned if don’t do this the breadcrumbs will slide off when try to move the chicken. Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts cut in half or 4 cutlets 3/4 c gluten free flour (1/2 might work) 1 tsp sea salt 2 eggs 2 tablespoons water 3/4 c glute

Hidden Abuse - My Story, Part 1

 I previously wrote about the family sexual abuse I experienced as a minor.  Also At least with the first one I didn’t know it was abuse. I thought it was normal and accepted. Well the sexual abuse endured a little later, still as a minor I knew wasn’t normal. The abuse experienced as an adult is a different story. I knew it wasn’t right, well sometimes knew. Sometimes it was disguised as jokes. Even when I knew the sexual or verbal actions made me feel like shit I didn’t know what to do because when I didn’t tolerate it the abuse kept going on and on and on. I would try to get to a safe place  in our apartment and he would break down the door if it was locked. If I went outside he would lock me out, unless I took his dog with me. If I tried to go somewhere and he saw I had my keys he would follow me out of the apt.  Here’s a picture of Jasmine looking like she’s floating, to break up the heaviness. The yelling - hours or even days of it - often times didn’t end until I allowed him t

Love to Hate Feelings Change in Seconds

I was writing a post a bit ago how I do my food shit and I’m jamming out to music on  my library from Amazon Music (affiliate link) and I would be jamming out to a song and then I will suddenly go to not be able to stand it to the point where I grab my phone and change the song. So as I type this I realized just how pathetic that sounds. It’s the truth of my life though. I have such limited spoons ( spoon theory ) most days that it’s in my best interest to save them where I can for things I would rather do, sometimes things that can add to my spoons. When you get to the point where you only have enough in the tank to shower or eat you get really good at getting the most done with the least spoons, like I demonstrate with this post explaining how I get more done with less energy . No idea where I was going with that. So now I’ll say, “ We Didn’t Start the Fire ” came on and I’m jamming out. Jamming out sometimes makes me not notice that my feet feel cold, which I suddenly noticed after

Why I Track My Food and Use Portions

If you are new here, thank you for being here. Warning, my thoughts are not linear. I wrote things as I thought of them when I thought they were relevant. Also, this is me, this is how my mind works. The main focus here is why I track my food shit and what stuff I use that is cheaper, has good reviews and I have tried and liked. If it says affiliate link after it that means that if you click on that and buy something I’ll make a small amount off of it. Now to the post at hand, after a picture of my cat Jasmine. Since doing chemo in 2020 a lot of food has become undesirable to me. This resulted in me eating almost only Cheerios. There are other cereals I like, however I like less sugary ones and this is a better price than some for the weight you get. Anyway, most days I only eat cereal. Once I started to get frozen meals delivered to me through CSO I finally started getting some real food. It wasn’t much though. One day I found out that high cholesterol runs in my family. So I mentione

Easy Make Ahead Frozen Fruit Parfait

Starting off by saying I know how dirty my “counter” looks, that’s part of my kitchen counter hack to save energy and contain messes. When you have limited energy and strength, getting calories and nutrition in your diet can be difficult. At least that’s what I discovered when I started tracking my nutrients and calories with the Cronometer app. These easy gluten free fruit parfaits are a way I make sure I get healthy calories in most days. I was making smoothies like this lactose and gluten free smoothie . Then I decided to start making parfaits and then realized that they are slightly cheaper to make than my smoothies are. Then I got quickly got sick of cutting strawberries and having them and blueberries go bad and trying to wash all the crap. I wondered if frozen fruit could be used and the answer was/is yes! I make mine 4-6 at a time because I eat 1-2 a day and I saw they last 3 days in the fridge. I haven’t had any last longer than that, so as of this post, I can’t speak to if l