Love to Hate Feelings Change in Seconds

I was writing a post a bit ago how I do my food shit and I’m jamming out to music on  my library from Amazon Music (affiliate link) and I would be jamming out to a song and then I will suddenly go to not be able to stand it to the point where I grab my phone and change the song.

So as I type this I realized just how pathetic that sounds. It’s the truth of my life though. I have such limited spoons (spoon theory) most days that it’s in my best interest to save them where I can for things I would rather do, sometimes things that can add to my spoons. When you get to the point where you only have enough in the tank to shower or eat you get really good at getting the most done with the least spoons, like I demonstrate with this post explaining how I get more done with less energy.

No idea where I was going with that. So now I’ll say, “We Didn’t Start the Fire” came on and I’m jamming out. Jamming out sometimes makes me not notice that my feet feel cold, which I suddenly noticed after I lost my train of thought …  WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE…. Oh, back to the post. Where was I? Oh I have no idea. I give up.

Oh, there it is. For anybody that is still reading. Did you follow that thought process? Or did you at least understand the non-linear thought?

If you didn’t read much and skipped to the end, this was a post that started off with one topic in mind and I let the thoughts flow to whatever I wanted to write about, instead of suffocating myself with what I think will be well received and understood. One thing I say about why I view myself as non-binary, since I understood what that is, is that I’m just me. I don’t look at myself as male or female or any other thing. I’M JUST ME!!!!!!

Picture of my cat Jazzy as a thank you for reading this. If anything resonated with you or if you have any questions I would love to hear what you have to say.


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