
Showing posts from November, 2018

All I Ever Wanted - Poem

While I'm sharing this poem, it's no longer what I want. I mean it would be nice. However, after being abused over and over again and falling for narcissists that manipulated me, I've given up on relationships. At this point in my life with all of my physical ailments it is no longer worth it to risk going through such devastation again if I misjudge a guy again. All I Ever Wanted - written 8/19/99 All I ever wanted, was to have a guy truly love me.

All Over - Poem

All Over - written 9/11/01 It's happening all over again. Year after year,     another massive killing.

A Thought - Poem

A Thought - written 11/10/01  A thought has come to me. The thought is,      can I die now?

A Girl's Life - Poem

A Girl's Life - Written 10/6/01 One day in 1984,      a girl was born. Who was to guess      how her life would turn out.